Friday, 14 August 2009

August Announcements.

Hi folks and thanks to so many people for turning up on Tuesday night. I believe we managed to squeeze 23 lovely Pagans (if you count Trev - an honorary Pagan) into our living room, and so I'd like to declare August 2009 as the Official Biggest Moot Yet. We need a bigger house!

Special thanks go to Rook for a fascinating and very informative talk on the origins and uses of Tarot, and to Lesley for suggesting and contacting him. From the reaction I think we all enjoyed it immensely. I certainly did.

The Next Two Moots

Rook took over on Tuesday because we've had to reschedule things due to family illnesses and such so:
The Reflexology Moot by Tina (and Daniel & Helen?) will now be on Tuesday 8th September, and Linda's Moot will be on Tuesday 13th October. We still don't know what Linda's going to do yet!

Coming Up

It's a bit short notice, but if you're going to Andrea's '70s themed housewarming party - see you tonight!

We're taking a trip to ARA on the Friday 28th August. Anyone who fancies joining us there is likely to get seriously cuddled and danced at. Jane has promised to come round here first and do our make-up and will be crashing for the night - which means we've room for one more in the taxi, so long as you can cope with sleeping on an air bed in our living room.

(ADDENDUM! I've just discovered ARA's happening on the 21st so we can't go! Bugger, bugger, bugger! Anybody fancy Jilly's on the 28th instead? Or another option?)

We'll be having our annual pre-Equinox Bramble Ramble on Saturday 5th September. Meet at our house at noon, bring a picnic and we can make a whole day of it.

Monday 7th Sept sees Jonny (ex of New Aeon Books) giving a talk on Voodoo (please excuse spelling!) at the Manchester Pagan Wheel Moot. This is at the Waldorf on Gore Street, it starts at 8pm and there's a small charge for room hire.
If Manchester's too far you could always support the Bolton Moot at the Hen & Chickens on the same night.

Finally, for the folkies amongst us Gorton Rushcart is happening in Gorton (oddly enough) on Saturday 12th September. There will even be music and dance from the famous Rivington Morris (plug, plug).

Looking Ahead

We're considering having our annual Samhain fancy-dress party on Friday 30th October. Any suggestions will be most welcome.
We've also been told that Circle of Pagans in Liverpool will be having their do on the Saturday at Casa Bistro. More details to follow, I'm sure.

That'll do for now. See you soon.

Love and the destruction of germs,