Wednesday, 14 November 2012

November Announcements

Hello again!
Thank you to everybody who came last night and shared stories.  A good time was had by all, and who knew that Alf Withington was such a talented writer?

Not many announcements this time.

Next month, 11th December, we'll be having our annual quiz.  Questions by me on a variety of subjects including sacred sites, Roman mythology, Tarot and anything else I can think of.  The winner will receive the grand prize of a bottle of dandelion wine.

The January moot on the 8th will be our annual games night.  We're open to ideas because so far we're playing Poo!  Yes, that is what it's called.

The Bolton, Chorley and Preston moots are getting together for a big Yule ritual in Chorley on Sunday 23rd December.  If you're interested and want more details contact Bendy Sally of the Bolton moot.  Or, if you can't, contact us and we'll put you in touch.

We've also decided on a provisional date for the Wassail next year - Saturday 19th January.

Finally, we're considering a good old Goth trip to ARA on Friday 23rd of this month.  Anyone who fancies joining us will be most welcome.  However, even if we can't go we WILL be going on 25th January for my birthday.  Ask us if you want details.

That's it!  See you in December.

Monday, 15 October 2012

October, and we're back!

Hello my freaky darlings.

I had pretty much given up on this blog because I thought nobody read it.  Turns out I was wrong.  At least two people read it, and that's enough for me.  So, we're back on the blogosphere.  Hurrah!

There's only a little to advertise, though.

The next two moots will be 13th November and 11th December.
The November moot will be our annual storytelling night.  Please bring along a story.  Any kind of story will do.  It could be a favourite fairy tale, a deep and mysterious Lovecraftian horror, a silly episode from your life.  Two things to take note of - please no more than ten minutes in the telling of your story, so we've all got time, AND there will be children taking part so graphic sex and violence would be best avoided.  At least until they've gone to bed.

In December we'll be having our annual quiz night.  Details to follow.

Finally, this year's Samhain fancy dress party will be on Saturday 27th October from 8pm onwards at Radcliffe Moot Towers.  The theme will be Superheroes and Supervillains.  We're also thinking of setting up a little shrine in a quiet corner for anyone who wants to honour any loved ones who have left us this year.

As requested, here's a list of the books that were reviewed at the October Moot, so if there's anything that caught your fancy you can look it up and beg, borrow, or order one from amazon :-)

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance by Robert M Pirsig
Gluten Free Baking by Phil Vickery (that's going on my wish list!)
Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Growing Sustainability by Dave of Darlington
And, we know it's not a book, Tooth & Claw (Dr Who episode) and a comparison of the treatment of the werewolf in the story with traditional werewolf mythology

That's it!  See you at Samhain.
Seán and Sara

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

May Announcements

Hello everybody and we hope you're all fully recovered from Bealtaine.  The blog's on time this month to make of for not even appearing at all last month.  Oops!

The Next Two Moots

On Tuesday 12th June, Linda has offered us a talk on the Germanic goddess, Frau Holle, which should be good.

On Tuesday 10th July, I'll be taking us on a local history and mythology field trip to Radcliffe Tower.  Meet up in the car park at Radcliffe Metrolink Station, Spring Lane M26 2SZ at 8pm.  It's about a ten-minute stroll from there to the Tower.  Here's a map

Coming Up.

For folk who like a bit of Morris Dance, Stone the Crows are dancing in Tockholes on Thursday evening 10th MaySouthport Swords are dancing in Liverpool on Saturday 19th May and Rivington Morris will be dancing in the Longridge Field Day parade on Saturday 9th June.

As far as we know the Bolton Moot (Tues 15th May at the Man & Scythe) and the Manchester Pagan Wheel (Mon 4th June at the Waldorf on Gore St) are on as normal but we're a bit low on information.  If anybody knows what's happening please let us know too.

Nothing much to do with Paganism (except that it's fun and lots of Pagans go), Manchester has a meet-up for polyamorous people.  Polymeet is 2pm onwards at the Night & Day on Oldham St on Saturday 12th May.  Look for the parrot, or failing that a bunch of very friendly people.  Just ask!

Still nothing much to do with Paganism (except that it's also fun and lots of Pagans go), we'll be having a trip to Ara on Friday 25th May.  Anybody who wants to join us will be very welcome.  Check out this link for the details.

Again nothing much to do with Paganism (except that it's eco-fun and some Pagans do it), World Naked Bike Ride is happening again on the evening of Friday 1st June.  It's Manchester's 7th ride and all the details can be found here.

Only very, very tenuously connected to Paganism (via Madame Blavatsky and me), Whitefield Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society will be performing Blithe Spirit at the Whitefield Garrick from Tuesday 12th to Friday 15th June, which also means I won't be at Linda's moot.   Tickets are £7 from this link.

Finally, something that really is Pagan.  Well be having a Summer Solstice picnic during the day and probably into the evening on Saturday 23rd June.  The only problem is we don't know where yet.  Suggestions have included Rivington Pike, Edale and my favourite, Alderley Edge, but if you can think of somewhere better ...

That's all for now.  See you soon.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

March Announcements

Hello again all you lovely people who are now educated all about trolls. Thanks to Brynjar for commentary and, of course, the loan of the film. Here's what we're doing next.

The Next Two Moots

We're going to attempt to get Bridget to move her wry look at earth zodiacs to 10th April and Peter has offered to take us back to Norway with a slide show on 8th May.

A little further ahead, Linda has offered to take over the June Moot with a talk on Frau Holle which has kindly allowed me to move our trip to Radcliffe Tower to July.

Hooray, it's all working out.

Coming Up

Nothing to do with Paganism, except for the fact that I'm in it - Whitefield AODS is putting on a production of Little Shop of Horrors at the Paragon in Prestwich from 21st to 24th March, curtain up at 7:30pm. Tickets are a tenner and available via the number on the website or (if you're lucky) on the door.

On Saturday 14th April Rivington Morris will be holding a day of dance in and around Bolton town centre. It's in honour of the late member, Barbara Bolton and a charity collection will also be made.

Still in Bolton, John Doughty will be giving his talk again on the Pendle Witches at the Octagon Theatre on Thursday 19th. Tickets are a fiver and we've been told they sell out fast.

Rivington Morris are back again on Sunday 22nd April, performing in the Manchester St George's Day Parade. The website is out of date, but we assume it starts from Varley St, Miles Platting at 11:30 am

We've just been told about the Shaggy Dog Storytellers who meet up monthly in Hebden Bridge. If you're interested you can find them here.

Unless you've been living under a rock you'll already know about our annual Wicker Man Bealtaine party, but I'm going to tell you anyway. 8pm onwards, Saturday 28th April at Radcliffe Moot Towers. We'll have a Wicker Man to burn, a bonfire, a maypole and, of course, the film - with songsheets!

Finally, for anyone who fancies a trip to Yorkshire the Thornborough Henge Bealtaine Celebration is on Sunday 6th May from noon onwards.

That's enough from me, see you soon
Seán xx

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Due to a slight diary-based cock-up, Bridget won't be able to do this month's moot on 13th March.

However, the Radcliffe Moot's very own Scandinavian hero, Brynjar, has bravely agreed to step up to the mark and bring his talk forward by a month.
He will be treating us to a screening of - and commentary on - the film, Trollhunter. Actually, if you say that in a Norwegian accent it sounds much better.

See you on Tuesday,

Thursday, 16 February 2012

February Announcements

A day late, but I'm blaming everybody else for forcing me to drink all that wine.

Thank you to Emma for a fascinating talk and discussion. Shame we couldn't have had more people, but St. Valentine beat us to the date.

Next Moots

On 13th March we'll be looking with a wry eye at earth zodiacs with Bridget. We may even see if we can't find one for Radcliffe.

Brynjar will be taking over on 10th April and treating us to a film night. The film in question is Trollhunter, enlivened by Brynjar's copious knowledge of Scandinavian mythology and folklore. It's in Norwegian with English subtitles, by the way.

Coming Up

Sorry for the short-notice announcement, but if you fancy a ceilidh there's one on tonight (16th Feb), featuring the inimitable Rivington Morris. It's at Ramsbottom Civic Hall and costs £8 each.

The Bolton Moot is next week, Tuesday 21st February at the Man & Scythe. We haven't been given any specific details so we reckon it's a social.

Heading into March (and nothing to do with Paganism apart from the fact that I'm in it), Whitefield AODS is putting Little Shop of Horrors on at The Paragon in Prestwich, from Wednesday 21st to Saturday 24th.

For any sparkly friends out there, the first ever Pendle Faery Ball will be happening on the 7th April in Billington, Clitheroe. There will be bands, fire displays and a craft fayre. Tickets can be acquired here.

Finally, get saving up your booze, firewood, singing voice and sillyness for our annual Wicker Man Bealtaine Party on Saturday 28th April. See you there.

Springtime hugs,
Seán x

Thursday, 12 January 2012

January Announcements

A day late but at least it's better than last month when I forgot to write anything at all. Ooops!

Anyway ...

The Next Few Moots

Next month, Feb 14th rather appropriately, we'll be having a talk from Rainy City Roller Derby Girl, Emma on "Pink Paganism. A path for the not-straight". Asking people if they like musicals, standard lamps or Chardonnay will be banned!

After that our friend Bridget has offered some occult psychogeography in the form of a talk on earth zodiacs and search for the Radcliffe Zodiac. That will be on 13th March.

We're a bit light for April and May, so if you fancy a request or to make an offer, you know where we are. In June, I'm going to be taking over with a little field trip for some local history and mythology. It will involve meeting up at a pub rather than Radcliffe Moot Towers, details coming soon.

Coming Up

If you hadn't realised the Wassail is on this coming Saturday (the 14th January), where have you been? 8pm onwards folks. Any donations of food and drink to share (veggie/vegan please) or firewood to burn will be gladly accepted. Don't forget your hat!

If anyone fancies blowing their hangover away, a group of nice folks have organised a walk around Bromley Cross (where the little stone circle is), Jumbles and Edgeworth. Meet at Bolton train station 11am and finish eventually at the Strawberry Duck.

The Bolton Moot will be happening at The Olde Man & Scythe on Tuesday 17th, 8pm onwards. We think it's just a social this time

We're taking a trip to Ara on Friday 27th of this month to celebrate a certain Dionysian's birthday (How old? Ye gods!). Anybody who fancies joining us will be most welcome and probably cuddled by a drunkard.

Marsden ImBolg Fire Festival, despite worries to the contrary, will be happening again this year. It's not well advertised on the web so no link, but the procession starts at 7pm from the goods yard behind the railway station. Heck, just follow the crowds, it'll all work out.
Could somebody order nice weather this time? We nearly drowned last year.

We've also booked the date for our Bealtaine Wicker Man party. It'll be Saturday 28th April (which doesn't clash with Thornborough Henge this year, so yay!). I know we're jumping the gun a bit but we're arranging around a visit from some lovely friends from California.


We've recently been told about the Pagan Blog Project. They are looking for contributors to write a few lines every Friday on a subject starting with a given letter. Give it a look, it could prove interesting.

And that's it. Hope to see you at the Wassail.
Keep warm and well!
