Wednesday, 13 March 2013

March Announcements.

Hello everybody from Radcliffe Moot Towers which is currently being filled by the most beautiful Welsh music ever.  Here are the announcements from last night's moot.

Next Two

Due to work commitments I had to postpone my Dionysian Spirit talk last night, so I'm doing it next month - Tuesday 9th April - assuming, of course, that nobody gives me any paying work on that day!

On 14th May Edwina is going to take us for a wild food/herb walk.  So we'll have enough time before it goes dark we'll be starting an hour early at 7pm.  Should be good.

Other Stuff

There's a "bedroom tax" (under-occupancy rules for housing benefit) protest in Manchester.  If you want to go it starts at 1pm in Piccadilly Gardens this Saturday 16th April.

For the vegetablists among us, the Northern Vegan Festival will be happening at Sachas Hotel on Tib Street on Saturday 13th April.  Doors open at 10am and it goes on until 6pm.

Finally, we have a date for our Bealtaine Party - Saturday 27th April, 8pm onwards.  Bring your best Wicker Man singing voice!

Back to the music.
Seán  xx