Sunday, 30 June 2013

June Moot

Thank you everyone who came along for the June social moot.  I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get round to the write-up and announcements.  It was good to have a chit-chat :) 


Saturday 13th July:  Pagancon at Preston Grasshoppers Rugby Club, featuring some fabulous talks and workshops, dancing from Stone the Crows and music by Damh the Bard.  

Sunday 14th to Tuesday 16th July: Rehearsal Space at Fab Cafe on Portland Street, Manchester, a play featuring our friend Anne :)

Saturday 20th July:  Sara & Janiko's 40th Birthday Bellydance Extravaganza

Friday 26th July:  ArA.  We'll be getting our Goff on and going dancing as part of my Big Birthday Month.  Come and help remind me that being 40 doesn't mean I have to stop being fabulous :) 

July Moot

This will be on Tuesday 9th July.  Bridget's offered to do her talk on The Radcliffe Zodiac, which promises to be irreverent and entertaining - as long as Moot night doesn't clash with work stuff.  We'll come up with an alternative if Bridget can't make it. 

We're still open to offers/suggestions for future Moots.