Saturday, 16 August 2008

Linda's Book - plug plug

Linda Sever has a book coming out soon which sounds really interesting.

It's called:

Lancashire's Sacred Landscape: From Prehistory to the Viking Age
Edited by Linda Sever.

It includes a gazetteer of prehistoric sites in Lancashire, a list of pre-Christian place-names and their meanings (this chapter is by Sara Vernon, who did a talk on this subject at the Moot prior to completing this chapter), information on Anglo Saxon and Viking age stone sculptures, and where to find them - and a tour of local fairy and boggart sites. Other contributors include Nick Ford (Ribchester), Aidan Turner-Bishop (Fairy and Boggart Sites), John Lamb (Gazetteer of Prehistoric Sites), Heather Rawlin-Cushing and Derek Berryman (Norse Myths in Stone)

Please email the publishers to find out when the book is coming out - Linda says that the more people mither them about it, the sooner it will be published. You can get in touch with them at

If you want to know anything else about the book, you can get in touch with Linda at

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